Dashboard 360 a Feature of Field Force Connect


Companies are a congregation of people who have a unified vision and business objective. organisation and companies work hard towards the meeting of common goals. These goals help companies prosper and move on the right path to success. Therefore in order to ensure that the company’s Vision and Mission is not hampered as well as there are no obstacles that companies or organisations need to face, it has to follow a certain set of rules. In order to ensure that work is being done promptly with as much efficiency as possible, companies and organisations need to use different tools and frameworks to help themselves.

 One such kind of tool called dashboard 360, A product of Field Force Connect. It can help companies reach their unified Vision and Mission to help them grow and prosper. Dashboard 360 is a collection of all essential tools that help companies and organisations manage data, organise their sales, and easily follow up with customers when need be. Companies and organisations must make it a point to use dashboard 360 to manage their company information and more on the right path to success and efficiency. It will help companies organise the information in the most efficient way possible thus eliminating any chances for inaccuracies or errors.


 Here are the benefits of dashboard 360 tool that companies and organisations can use to maximise their productivity and efficiency.


A) Easy Task management:

 Any company is run by the task that they do and the small goal that they achieve. In order to ensure the efficiency of these goals and the results that are being achieved, companies must organise their tasks in an efficient way.

This can be easily done by the task management module of dashboard 360 field force connect. Dashboard 360 provides a unique way to organise all of the tasks that the company employs do and perform on a daily basis. Proper and efficient organisation is key to success for any kind of task, and the sooner the companies realise this, the better for them.

Task organisation done by field force connect dashboard 360 help companies achieve their unique Vision and Mission objective pretty easily and efficiently


B) Easy Sales management:

 Companies and organisations which run on sales of products and services to gain revenue, can easy benefit from the toolset that dashboard 360 has to offer. Dashboard 360 can easily help organisations manage their sales and leads in the most efficient way possible. organisation of information is critical for the success of leads and customers. Managing information can help organisations take mission critical decisions and help customers in their day-to-day lives.



C) Critical Sales Information at Single Location:

Business decisions happen due to accurate data predictions done by decision makers. In order to help decision makers and managers take the right decision, all of the data that is needed by them is organised in analytics and charts and shown in the easiest representation possible. This helps organise information and managers and supervisors can take quick and Swift decisions when the need be. Check Field Force Connect



D) Detailed sales analytics information

Sales analytics has never been so easy before, now with the help of dashboard 360 (Signup Today) managers and supervisors can easily get access to sales information that helps them predict where the organisation is headed. This has a sales department to manage the revenue generation prospects pretty easily and efficiently. All of the information needed by the sales manager is shown in the single point location on the dashboard 360 module. This leads to efficient and easy digestion of information for quick decision making purpose by the managers.


E) Easy attendance management

 It is important for companies and organisations to motivate their employees and to enable them to put your best foot forward when they come to work. This can be done by easy vigilant monitoring done on employees through the attendance monitoring module integrated into dashboard 360. The employees that have the highest performance for leads and sales are shown on the dashboard 360 module which helps companies and organisations know about the top performers for the month.


Read: Dashboard 360- A new way to suppliment your business management


F) Robust management of company performance.

 Dashboard 360 module of field force connect provides the unique and innovative way to companies for managing their data and information. Dashboard 360 as a multitude of different benefits that companies can take leverage of and more on the right path towards growth and prosperity.




With the above benefits you can see that dashboard 360 module of Field Force Connect can easily help companies and organisations achieve their business goals easily and efficiently. You can create your day to day activity less hectic with dashboard 360. You can contact us today to know more about the tool and also you can download our app here!