Employee Tracking Software:


Employee Tracking Software is nothing but software with a new implementation to look over and mark the activities of your employees. It helps you observe all the work done by an employee to find whether it’s fruitful for your company or not.


While running a company sometimes it becomes too difficult for you to look over every employee. With such software, you’ll be able to find what hours took for an employee to complete a task. It will make you count the working capabilities of your employees, which will further help you to make better decisions.


When it comes to working and when provided free internet, many times instead of involving in work, employees start wasting their time in surfing the internet. With the installation of such a device, you can track and control all such activities that hamper your companies productivity.


Table Of Content
1) Types Of Employee Tracking Software
   a) Email
   b) Location
   c) Direct Monitoring
   d) Project Management
   e) Safety
2) Benefits Of Employee Tracking Software
    a) Attendance Tracking
    b) Staff Roster Plan
    c) Task Management
3) Factors To Be considered before buying Employee tracking Software
    a) Brings Clarity
    b) Focus and research
    c) Helps in time tracking and performance
4) Conclusion


Types of Employee Tracking Software


No matter what business your company runs, employee monitoring and tracking applies in every relation. Especially companies that handle a large part of sensitive information are prone to get caught into such malicious activities. While running an MNC tracking and monitoring the productivity of each employee is impossible.

Thus to protect your business from harsh results of data leaking or corrupting you have to be one step ahead. Using the benefits of the electronic age, it introduces various new ways and tricks through which you can keep check of how effective your employee’s services are towards your business.


With the help of employee monitoring and tracking software, you can be easily able to track the time your employees spend on any project. Actions taken by your employees are right or not to help you make decisions before it gets too late. With this, you can even encourage your employees to start spending more of their time on the desk if they are not. Thus, it is a great tool to help you measure your company’s growth and productivity.


Here are a few common types of employee tracking software to keep a keen visit to your employees’ business activities.




It is the most common medium to transfer data. There is a high risk involved with emails cause many people do believe this is the safest medium to transfer files without getting into anyone’s eyes. Therefore, companies should keep track of employees’ business email id’s to ensure no illegal activity is being perceived under your working premise.




Keeping track of your employees’ location is another important factor you need to take care of. Especially if your company involves field force activities. It often happens that in the name of fieldwork employees waste time somewhere else. With the use of employee monitoring software, you can keep track of your employees’ real-time location. Helping you know what route your employee took, how much time it covered, how much time the employee gave to the client, and in what hour does your employee get free to return to the office.


Direct Monitoring


This is another useful tool to ensure that your employees are not misusing the gadgets they are provided with. It involves keeping the computer in the open location at the place of work so that it can keep an eye on how the work is going. It tells you whether the machine they are provided to work is being in use for the right things or not. Direct Monitoring also involves some set of hardware tools that keep logs of keystrokes.


Project Management


There are ways through which you can assign any project or task to any of your employees even when you are not in town. The use of this tool will help you share all the project related information to that group saving your time to call and explain. It can also help you update their status of the work without asking again and again.


Safety and Surveillance


With the use of employee monitoring and tracking software companies can maintain the safety structure of their business. Using this tool you can control file access rights, monitor who tried to open it, and monitor employees’ actions.


Benefits Of Employee Tracking Software


Employee Tracking and Monitoring Software helps employers in a variety of manners. You can keep track of every working and non-working activity related to your business. It ensures no illegal action, increasing your business productivity, keeping track of your budget, and increasing your company’s cost.


Some of the important key benefits of using Employee Tracking Software are:


Attendance And Geo-Fencing


Using the employee tracking software employers can keep the track of attendance of their employees. Using geofencing you can keep check of their real-time location. It will help you maintain their attendance and working data properly. In case of any dispute, you can prove your point showing the real data. Avoiding filling manual timesheets, it provides you a convenient way to keep track of all of your employees’ activities most easily.


Roster Plan


It helps you schedule the meeting of your employees by checking their availability. This feature of employee monitoring and tracking software helps you take instant actions. It reduces the risk of delaying or postponing your work. Using this employer can directly assign future projects to their employees without wasting any time on meeting and discussing.  


Task Management


Employee monitoring and tracking software allow you to track, manage, and provide a solution to each new task. It helps you view and manage the activities of your entire team, helping them get solutions if required.


Paperless Process


Automated employee monitoring and tracking software provide you with a complete online or computerized system. It stores and maintains all its information online, reducing the use of manual sheets. Thus it is a completely paperless process carrying zero amount of storage space.


Spot The problem immediately


This is one of the biggest benefits employee monitoring software is providing. Using this employer can keep a close mark on every activity and work done by their employees. And which work is still pending, highlighting their productive hours and the time they spend doing nothing. However, on the other hand, employees too can check and submit all the information online. It helps you eliminate the time usually consumed at the end of the month while counting your payroll days. Any error can be instantly highlighted and re-corrected to help you save your money.




Employee monitoring and tracking software also provides you with various other features like-


  • It helps you submit all your client-related information online.
  • Employees can instantly report and provide information related to the work.
  • It helps you enhance your employees’ sales performance.
  • It also helps you keep track of employees’ expenses to get it to redeem at the end of the month.  

Factors To Consider In Buying Employee


Brings Clarity


Employee monitoring and tracking software will help you assess and monitor how many people are required for completing the assigned project. Is the person assigned is good enough in handling that particular work. It helps employers make a decision like, which employee is good at which work. It will also make you draw the correct report graphing your company’s benefits and loss.


Focus And Research


It will help you go through all the plans you choose. With new advances, proper research will help you see what you need for your company’s profit. Try to reach for free trials, inquire about the schemes, and try to implement after observing the previous graphs.


Employee Monitoring Helps You In Time Tracking


Time tracking is the biggest advantage one gets while using such software. It helps you understand and monitor how much time one requires. In case of overtime, it helps you count the productive hours of each employee. Also while working in a project it helps management know your amount of contribution. Thus such monitoring and tracking software are highly beneficial for any company to mark its growth.




After going through the above discussion one can easily tell how much importance employee monitoring software holds. Thus using such software one can easily eliminate all the common problems that arise during our day-to-day work, increasing the productivity of your company.